About me

Howdy! My name is Nic. I am vaguely human shaped and this place is for my ramblings, both technical and non-technical.

If you want to talk with me about software 1, repairing/repurposing old technology, gardening, long distance running or anti-hierarchical horizontal structures then you can be assured my reaction will be something along the lines of:

happy yeti

If, however, you want to reach out to talk about bullshit generators, scam currency that is cooking the planet, unsolicited job recruitment or startup culture 2 than you can be certain my reaction will look like this (hint: you are the skier in this scenario):

angry yeti

If that sounds acceptable than you can contact me at the following places:


Recently my interest has been piqued by Rust, Nix and Low config tools like Helix


Unfortunately n-gate is no longer being updated. It is still great to come back to from time to time to remind yourself how awful and self-aggrandizing startup and silicon valley culture is in general.